Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Return of The Blogger(Not Jedi)

It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Actually there are so much things going on in my life lately. It’s just that I don’t feel like sharing it in a blog. You can call it my private emotion…hehe...But that is just how I feel. Well, obviously you can also call it inconsistency, laziness, or should I say that my blogging rhythm has been off tuned by my current life in Newcastle UK. (More excuse coming up….hehe)
So here I am, in school again. Going to lecture hall, tutorial classes and going anywhere within the university areas without leaving my backpack (school bag) behind.
My course here is okay I guess, not too dull, not to hyper extreme, not to difficult and yet not too easy. I have friends all over the world, from Russia, Greece, India, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, China, Africa, and obviously from UK. They are a bunch of nice guys. I am quite happy to get to know those guys. If you want to know about how my family are doing here, well I can tell you we are doing quite fine here. (You can check my honey’s blog mummyvaio@blogspot.com for more details)
But one thing I tell you, if you think that if you are in England and you can always go to the football stadium for EPL game, well you wrong man. First, you have to fight for the tickets because it’s like there are 50,000 tickets available and there are like I don’t know…millions (obviously this figure is questionable…) of peoples who want to buy the ticket. Second, if you get the chance to buy the ticket, you have to pay it for good money (around GBP20 to 30) and third, it is always raining here.Man...I hate the weather here. So at the end, you think…” Hey, instead of going to the stadium, why not I just lay back on my sofa in my living room and watch the game from the SKY SPORT CHANNEL…hehe...Not such a football die hard fan I guess.
But I planned to go and watch EPL game at least once this year…wish me luck guys!
And also wish me luck updating this blog regularly…although I think nobody is actually reading it though...Hehe...


mummyvaio said...

ade la orang baca...tp diorg tak komen pape kot...hehe...nak tgk game man u ke game newcastle nanti...hehehe...bole tak sokong man u tp dok kat bench newcastle?...hahaha...shikamo pakai jersi merah...hahaha...sure kene buang daerah!hahaha...

iman said...

Game newcastle la...game man u nanti kita gi old trafford.
uish...kalo duduk ngan fan newcastle mana leh sokong man u , nanti all the geordies will be mad at you...tapi org newcastle kan baik2...diaorg tak kisah kot..hehe